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Friends of
Fundación Barco

Sustainable development and social equity.


About us

We are a US-based nonprofit organization on our way to becoming a 501(c) recognized tax-exempt organization that promotes social development in Latin America through partnerships with government entities, private sector, foundations, and the international community.

Why we must work for LATAM

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The 2023 Social Panorama report projects a considerable increase in poverty and extreme poverty directly affecting more than 208 million people.

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In 2023, poverty affected 29.1% of Latin Americans, equivalent to 72 million people falling into the category of extreme poverty.

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According to UNICEF, it is estimated that there are 8.2 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 working in Latin America, with 5.5 million of them engaged in high-risk activities.


Currently, around 37% of Latin American teenagers aged 15 to 19 drop out of school and almost half of them do so early, before completing primary education.

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Since the second quarter of 2023, the incidence of informal employment in Latin America and the Caribbean has exceeded 50%.


The unemployment rate in Latin America and the Caribbean stood at 6.7% in 2023, keeping the region below pre-pandemic levels.

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161 million people (equivalent to 2.5 out of every 10 people) lack adequate access to safe drinking water. Even more concerning, 431 million people (equivalent to 7 out of every 10) in the region lack access to sanitation.

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Approximately 5.8 million Latin Americans
 would fall into extreme poverty by 2030, largely due to lack of access to clean water.


The Latin America region contains approximately 57% of the world's primary forests, storing approximately 104 gigatons of carbon and hosting between 40% and 50% of global biodiversity and a third of all plant species.

Sources: CEPAL, Latin America Social Panorama, UNICEF, RIEOEI, WWF

Action lines

We drive social development in LATAM by:

  • Connecting social investors and philanthropists with meaningful causes.

  • Delivering effective social project design and management.

  • Management of resources with social purposes.

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Our team

The Board


Juan F. Miranda


Thomas G. Schlaff

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David Gordon

Advisor Team


Juan F. Miranda


Thomas G. Schlaff


Martha Olga Jensen M.


Contact us


(+57) 601-745-2572


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We are on our way to becoming a recognized tax-exempt organization! Our application is currently under review by the IRS.
Please note: Donations made at this time may not be tax-deductible. We will update our donors as soon as we receive the confirmation of our tax-exempt status from the IRS.

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